Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited



Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited is a registered company under the Companies Act, 1956 was incorporated on 28-7-1999 and is a company wholly owned by the Government of Karnataka with an authorised share capital of Rs. 1000 crores. KPTCL was formed on 1-8-1999 by carving out the Transmission and Distribution functions of the erstwhile Karnataka Electricity Board.

Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited
Type Public
Industry Power Transmission
Predecessor Karnataka Electricity Board
Founded 01 August 1999
Headquarters Bengaluru, India
Area served Karnataka
Key people Ravikumar.P MD
Products Power Transmission
Revenue INR 972.55 Crores(2008-09)
Net income INR 14.01 Crores (2008-09)
Website www.kptcl.com


The erstwhile Mysore State had the enviable and glorious position of establishing the first major hydro-electric generating station at Shivasamudram as early as 1902 for commercial operation. The art at that time was still in its infancy, even in the advanced countries. The longest transmission line, at the highest voltage in the world, was constructed to meet the power needs of mining operations at Kolar Gold Fields

The generating capacity of the Shivasamudram Power House gradually increased to 42 MW in stages. To meet the increasing demand for power, the Shimsha Generating Station, with an installed capacity of 17.2 M.W, was commissioned in the year 1938. The power demand was ever on the increase, for industries and rural electrification, and additions to generating became imperative. The 1st stage of 48 MW and 2nd stage of 72 MW of the Mahatma Gandhi Hydro-Electric Station were commissioned during 1948 and 1952, respectively.

Subsequently, the Bhadra Project, with an installed capacity of 33.2 MW, and the Thungabhadra Left Bank Power House, with an installed capacity of 27 MW at Munirabad were commissioned during 1964 and 1965, respectively.

The State of Karnataka, with availability of cheap electric power, and other infrastructure facilities, was conducive for increased tempo of industrial activity. It became necessary therefore, to augment power generating capacity by harnessing the entire potential of the Sharavathi Valley. The first unit of 89.1 MW was commissioned in 1964 and completed in 1977.

The demand for power saw a phenomenal increase in the mid sixties and onwards with the setting up of many public sector and private industries in the State. As power generation in the State was entirely dependent on monsoon and was subject to its vagaries, the State Government set up a coal based power plant at Raichur. The present installed capacity of the power plant at Raichur is 1260 MWs.

To augment the energy resources of the State, the Kalinadi Project with an installed capacity of 810MW at Nagjhari Power House and 100 MW at Supa Dam Power House, with an energy potential of 4,112 Mkwh, were set up.

The transmission and distribution system in the State was under the control of the Government of Karnataka (then Mysore) till the year 1957. In the year 1957, Karnataka Electricity Board was formed and the private distribution companies were amalgamated with Karnataka Electricity Board.

Till the year 1986, KEB was a profit making organisation. However, in the subsequent years, like other State Electricity Boards in the country, KEB also started incurring losses, mainly due to the increase in agricultural consumption and due to the implementation of the socio economic policies of the Government, the performance of the power sector was affected.

To improve the performance of the power sector and in tune with the reforms initiated by Government of India, the Government of Karnataka came out with a general policy proposing fundamental and radical reforms in the power sector. Accordingly a bill, namely Karnataka Electricity Reforms Act was passed by the Karnataka Legislature. The Reform bill has mandated major restructuring of the Karnataka Electricity Board and its Corporatisation. As part of Corporatisation, the Karnataka Electricity Board ceased to exist and the Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited to look after Transmission and Distribution in the State and VVNL (Visweshwaraiah Vidyuth Nigama Limited) to look after the generating stations under the control of erstwhile Karnataka Electricity Board were constituted from 01.08.99.


Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited is a registered company under the Companies Act, 1956 was incorporated on 28-7-1999 and is a company wholly owned by the Government of Karnataka with an authorised share capital of Rs. 1000 crores. KPTCL was formed on 1-8-1999 by carving out the Transmission and Distribution functions of the erstwhile Karnataka Electricity Board.

KPTCL is headed by a Chairman and Managing Director at the Corporate office. He is assisted by four functional Directors. The Board of KPTCL consists of a maximum of twelve directors.

Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited is mainly vested with the functions of Transmission and Distribution of power in the entire State of Karnataka. It operates under a license issued by Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission. KPTCL purchases power from Karnataka Power Corporation Limited, which generates and operates major power generating projects in the state consisting of Hydel. Thermal and other sources. KPTCL purchases power from KPC at the rate fixed by the State Govt. from time to time.

KPTCL also purchases power from Central Government owned generating stations like National Thermal Power Corporation, Neyvelli Lignite Corporation and the Atomic Power Stations at Kalpakkam and Kaiga. The approximate share of power from these generating stations is around 16%.

KPTCL serves nearly 146 lakh consumers of different categories spread all over the State covering an area of 1.92 lakh square kilometres. To transmit and distribute power in the State, it operates nearly 684 sub-stations, 28,000 km of transmission lines with voltages of 33 KV and above, nearly 1,30,000 km of 11 kV lines, 1,50,000 distribution transformers and 3,57,000 km of LT lines. One Rural Electric Co-operative Society is functioning in Hukkeri taluk, Belgaum district which purchases bulk power from KPTCL and redistributes it to the consumers within the taluk. To enable easier operation of the system, KPTCL has been divided into five zones, each headed by a Chief Engineer, fifteen Circles, each headed by a Superintending Engineer, fifty seven divisions, each headed by a Executive Engineer and over two hundred and seventy sub-divisions, each headed by a Assistant Executive Engineer. Maintenance of power supply and day to day functioning are being looked after by the above officers.

The annual turnover of the Organisation was nearly Rs. 4000 crores during the year 2000-01.

KPTCL Unbundled

Government vide order No. 69 BSR 2001 Bangalore, dated 15/02/2002 has unbundled KPTCL and formed four distribution companies.

Consequent to this the function of distribution of power has been totally separated from KPTCL. KPTCL is now vested with the responsibility of transmitting power all over the State and construction and maintenance of Stations and lines of 66KV and above. KPTCL will purchase power from various power producers and sell it to the distribution companies.

The four newly formed independent distribution companies, which were registered on 30/04/2002, are Bangalore Electricity Supply Company, Mangalore Electricity Supply Company, Hubli Electricity Supply Company and Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company. They have started functioning w.e.f.. 01/06/2002. These companies are incharge of distribution of power within their jurisdiction.

KPTCL has been divided into five zones, each headed by a Chief Engineer, fifteen Circles, each headed by a Superintending Engineer, fifty seven divisions, each headed by a Executive Engineer and over two hundred and seventy sub-divisions, each headed by a Assistant Executive Engineer. Maintenance of power supply and day to day functioning are being looked after by the above officers. (http://www.kptcl.com/kptclaboutus.htm)

Power Company of Karnataka Limited

Power Company of Karnataka Limited
Type State-owned enterprise Public
Industry Power
Predecessor Karnataka Electricity Board/ Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited
Founded 12 August 2007
Headquarters Bengaluru, India
Area served Karnataka
Key people M. Naveen Kumar MD
Products Capacity Addition, Power Purchase Agreement
Website http://www.pckl.co.in


The State of Karnataka continues to suffer from acute shortage of power. In order to bridge the gap between availability and Demand, capacity addition in generation was felt necessary. With this background and to supplement the efforts of KPCL, Government of Karnataka has accorded approval for constitution of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) viz., Power Company of Karnataka Limited (PCKL) on 12-07-2007 to carry out the work of inviting tariff based bids and framing of business rules as done by Ministry of Power, Government of India on behalf of ESCOMs.


  1. PCKL does make arrangements with other states for exchange of power to balance the demand during monsoon and summer seasons. PCKL invites bids for sale and purchase of short term power.
  2. PCKL, a Government of Karnataka undertaking is carrying out bid processing activities for capacity addition by establishing 3 coal based thermal power projects 1000 MW each at Chamalapura in Mysore District, Ghataprabha in Belgaum District and Jewargi in Gulbarga District on long term basis through tariff based competitive bidding process. It is also contemplated to procure power to an extent of 2500 MW & 1500 MW on long & medium term basis respectively from Generators / under case 1 (where location & Fuel not specified) of MOP Competitive bidding guidelines.
  3. PCKL has envisaged establishment of distributed generation for which tenders have been floated for establishment of 5 MW and part thereof capacity power plants at Taluka level in the state of Karnataka.
  4. PCKL is exploring the opportunities for equity participation and joint venture with the States who are establishing pit head power plants and with neighbouring states where activities on projects have been initiated.
  5. PCKL on behalf of all ESCOMs has registered itself with Indian Energy Exchange limited for carrying out the transactions of energy on day ahead basis.


Power Company of Karnataka Limited(PCKL)is empowered to power purchase with following objectives.

  1. Co-ordinating with ESCOMs, Government and IPPs and resolving issues pertaining to power purchases.
  2. To facilitate capacity addition for Long term, Medium Term and Short Term
  3. To carry out tariff based competitive bidding process on behalf of ESCOMs.
  4. Preliminary activities pertaining to setting up of power projects within the State through competitive bidding route.
  5. Equity participation with other States for setting up of Generating Stations.
  6. Capacity addition through Joint Venture.
  7. In carrying out the trading/bilateral exchange of power with other States/traders on behalf of ESCOMs to meet the day-to-day requirements of power.


Distribution network

The Distribution network is divided into Zones are also known as Electric Supply Companies popularly known as ESCOM's. Each of these zones vested for distribution of electricity in a particular zones of Karnataka.

Distribution companies are:

See also


External links